Sushi !

Sushi is a Japanese dish prepared with vinegared rice and also with some sugar and salt, combined with  a variety of ingredients such as seafood ,shrimps, calamari and crab meat, vegetables and fruits.

Sushi is Sometimes confused with sashimi , s related Japanese dish consisting of  thinly sliced raw fish, or occasionally meat, and optional serving of rice.

Sushi become an important source of protein for its Japanese consumers. The term sushi comes from an antiquated grammatical form no longer used in other contexts.

Sushi is commonly eaten with condiments. Sushi may be dipped in shoyu, soy sauce, and usually flavored with Wasabi,

Sushi is served on minimalist Japanese-style , geometric , mono or duo-tone wood or lacquer plates.

Soy sauce is the usual condiment , and sushi is normally served with a small sauce dish, or a compartment in the bento.

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